"Adriana Diaz has been enormously intelligent and creative in helping me transform my demons to allies with insight, humor and compassion. My longed-for goals are being realized!"
 ~ P.K., San Francisco, CA

What is Creative Life Coaching

To understand Creative Life Coaching, let’s define creativity. Creativity is the innate faculty of the human being to actively respond to the needs of the moment. Creativity is what makes us capable of building or finding shelter. Creativity is in every choice about clothing, food, activities, and work. It is impossible for a human being not to be creative. Creativity is part of our genetic coding and our evolutionary inheritance.

Many people translate the word “creative” into “artistic” (whatever that means), and that shift immediately connects the words to memories of childhood art class traumas. Creativity is the heart of our star power. It is not synonymous with art. Creativity is about fixing a car engine, designing a new football pattern, coming up with a new campaign slogan, or a new company team-building strategy. Creativity is about fixing your child’s broken doll, or preparing a delicious brunch out of leftovers in the fridge. Creativity is our innate human faculty to respond to the needs of the moment.

We use our creativity every day, yet most people don’t recognize it, and consequently squander important opportunities to fulfill their potential. Creative Life Coaching spotlights the innate creativity in every client, makes it a conscious life tool, and builds new habits and patterns for putting that creativity to work.

What is a Creative Life Coach?

A Creative Life Coach is, above all, an ally and an advocate.
Your Creative Life Coach, Adriana Díaz, is also

• a perceptive listener
• a trained guide
• an investigator
• a provocateur
• a strategist
• a teacher
• a “gremlin buster”
• a life artist
• your personal talent agent

Your Creative Life Coach

• can help you access strengths, inner wisdom, and talents
• can help you investigate old habits and patterns
• can provide you with new tools for personal change and growth
• can teach you how to use the creative process as a template for living
• can create and hold a safe space in which you can explore your feelings

Your Creative Life Coach
• makes you her priority
• considers your needs
• is trained to guide you through reflection on priorities and personal values

• knows how to open the path of new realizations to replace old belief patterns
is skilled in building self-esteem and success
• is committed to giving honest feedback
• is committed to holding your highest intentions as a constant standard

Creative Life Coaching offers new perspectives regarding the power of play and improvisation in life and work.

Contact Adriana Diaz at:

Harness Your Star Power!       

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